Death by (Modern) Medicine
White Coats as a Symbol of Life and Death
Taken from “the Healthy Planet, St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living Magazine”, September 2011
Death is part of life. Modern medicine saves lives. At least, I like to believe that, but death by medicine? Death by (Modern) Medicine written by Gary Null and Carolyn Dean is not what you may have in your mind. I have just read their books, Death by Medicine by Gary Null and Death by Modern Medicine by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND.
After finishing the books, I felt kind of nauseated, hopeless and angry for their relentlessly, almost sadistically exposing dark side of medical profession. Read these books if you want to be nauseated, depressed or angry.
Here is an excerpt from Gary Null’s book:
“The number of people who die each day because of medical errors – physician mistakes, hospital related illness, and reactions to FDA-approved medications – is the equivalent of six jumbo jets falling out of the sky. More Americans are dying each year at the hands of medicine than all American casualties in WWI and the Civil War combined.
The medical environment has become a labyrinth of interlocking corporate, hospital and governmental boards of directors, infiltrated by the drug companies. Pharmaceutical corporations are paying our legislators, television and radio stations, schools, and new outlets to keep this information from you.
Drug company representatives write about new medicines in glowing articles, which are then signed by physicians who are paid handsomely for their cooperation, they though may not even know the adverse side effects of the drugs they promote. The most toxic substances are often approved first, while milder and more natural alternatives are ignored for financial reasons. It’s death by medicine.”
Dr. Dean’s book, Death by Modern Medicine is not much more fun reading than Gary Null’s. Her first three chapter’s sub-title starts with “Death by Modern Medical Doctors”, “Death by Drug Companies” and “Death by Health Care Bureaucracy”. All thirteen chapters start with some death caused by medical related issues.
July 2000, JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) published shocking data that a total of 22,000 deaths per year occur from iatrogenic (doctor induced or treated) causes; this constitutes the third leading cause of death in the US after deaths from heart disease and cancer. In 2005, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine published an abstract that the total number of iatrogenic deaths is 783,936 at a cost of 282 billion dollars and, not surprisingly, authored by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and Gary Null, PhD. The paper claims that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injuries in the United States.
I do not want to believe that the above statistics are correct. Maybe, it is exaggerated fake data. I want the AMA to rebut and dispute the numbers: medical mistakes and iatrogenic doctor induced death for only 225,000 deaths, not 783,936 deaths. The detailed tables and figures are in Dr. Dean’s book, Death by Modern Medicine, Appendix B, page 321.
Where do we go from this dismal data? Most doctors got into the medical profession with a noble idea to heal the sick and to save lives. Now we, as a medical profession, are being accused as the number one or number three killers in the United States.
Last week, I attended a white coat ceremony at Boston University Medical School for my son. It was the ceremony for the beginning of the first year as a medical student. 173 students surrounded the proud parents, mentors, friends and family members. These 173 medical students were selected from 12,000 applicants. They are the elite among all those wanting to be there.
These first year medical students swore in Hippocrates’ Oath to “Do No Harm”. Hippocratic physicians believed in the healing power of nature. Drug therapy was considered unpredictable. These physicians preferred dietary regulation. In his book, Epidemics, Hippocrates wrote, as to disease, make a habit of two things – to help, or at least to do no harm. When they graduate in four years after rigorous medical educations, they will swear again in Hippocrates’ Oath to “Do No Harm”.
Do these medical students understand what they are going into? In my mind, white coat is a symbol of medicine, purity and to give life by saving life. Carolyn Dean and Gary Null also gave us a new meaning of white coat: Death by (Modern) Medicine. I could not bring up the grizzly, dark side of this subject to my son and shatter his dream of becoming a physician.
Where do we go from here? Our medical education system is creating self-serving elite pyramid system only controlled by more powerful business corporations. Even if the statistics are half correct, we are in deep trouble trying to reverse the trend. The American medical care system will collapse along with the American financial system. Our only hope is teaching our medical students the reality of the medical statistics and change the way we practice.
Time is running out. We must act now. We cannot solve problems by using the same thinking we used when we created them (Einstein). More bypass operations, organ transplants, genetic engineering, newer antibiotics or vaccinations will nto solve current dismal medical outcomes. We must think differently!
If you have a weak stomach, don’t read Carolyn Dean, MD, ND or Gary Null, PhD’s books on Death by (Modern) Medicine. If you are interested in Alternative, Natural and Complementary medicine, come to the Accidental Cure Conference in St. Louis [Held September 2011].
Speakers from around the world from Australia, Germany and Canada and from all over the United States will discuss natural healing based on science and subtle energy (Energy Medicine).
Each speaker will connect the missing link from hidden dental problems, parasites, food allergies, heavy metals, color therapy, infrared thermography, acupuncture meridians and many more modalities. Curing the incurable by measuring the immeasurable is possible. The conference is open to all health professionals, students and the public. Be there. Let others know about the conference. Act now. [Video recordings of the sessions are available.]
Review and Commentary for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2011
© Copyright 2011, Dr. Simon Yu, MO USA
Death by (Modern) Medicine
White Coats as a Symbol of Life and Death
Taken from “the Healthy Planet, St. Louis’ Green & Healthy Living Magazine”, September 2011
Death is part of life. Modern medicine saves lives. At least, I like to believe that, but death by medicine? Death by (Modern) Medicine written by Gary Null and Carolyn Dean is not what you may have in your mind. I have just read their books, Death by Medicine by Gary Null and Death by Modern Medicine by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND.
After finishing the books, I felt kind of nauseated, hopeless and angry for their relentlessly, almost sadistically exposing dark side of medical profession. Read these books if you want to be nauseated, depressed or angry.
Here is an excerpt from Gary Null’s book:
“The number of people who die each day because of medical errors – physician mistakes, hospital related illness, and reactions to FDA-approved medications – is the equivalent of six jumbo jets falling out of the sky. More Americans are dying each year at the hands of medicine than all American casualties in WWI and the Civil War combined.
The medical environment has become a labyrinth of interlocking corporate, hospital and governmental boards of directors, infiltrated by the drug companies. Pharmaceutical corporations are paying our legislators, television and radio stations, schools, and new outlets to keep this information from you.
Drug company representatives write about new medicines in glowing articles, which are then signed by physicians who are paid handsomely for their cooperation, they though may not even know the adverse side effects of the drugs they promote. The most toxic substances are often approved first, while milder and more natural alternatives are ignored for financial reasons. It’s death by medicine.”
Dr. Dean’s book, Death by Modern Medicine is not much more fun reading than Gary Null’s. Her first three chapter’s sub-title starts with “Death by Modern Medical Doctors”, “Death by Drug Companies” and “Death by Health Care Bureaucracy”. All thirteen chapters start with some death caused by medical related issues.
July 2000, JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) published shocking data that a total of 22,000 deaths per year occur from iatrogenic (doctor induced or treated) causes; this constitutes the third leading cause of death in the US after deaths from heart disease and cancer. In 2005, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine published an abstract that the total number of iatrogenic deaths is 783,936 at a cost of 282 billion dollars and, not surprisingly, authored by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND and Gary Null, PhD. The paper claims that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injuries in the United States.
I do not want to believe that the above statistics are correct. Maybe, it is exaggerated fake data. I want the AMA to rebut and dispute the numbers: medical mistakes and iatrogenic doctor induced death for only 225,000 deaths, not 783,936 deaths. The detailed tables and figures are in Dr. Dean’s book, Death by Modern Medicine, Appendix B, page 321.
Where do we go from this dismal data? Most doctors got into the medical profession with a noble idea to heal the sick and to save lives. Now we, as a medical profession, are being accused as the number one or number three killers in the United States.
Last week, I attended a white coat ceremony at Boston University Medical School for my son. It was the ceremony for the beginning of the first year as a medical student. 173 students surrounded the proud parents, mentors, friends and family members. These 173 medical students were selected from 12,000 applicants. They are the elite among all those wanting to be there.
These first year medical students swore in Hippocrates’ Oath to “Do No Harm”. Hippocratic physicians believed in the healing power of nature. Drug therapy was considered unpredictable. These physicians preferred dietary regulation. In his book, Epidemics, Hippocrates wrote, as to disease, make a habit of two things – to help, or at least to do no harm. When they graduate in four years after rigorous medical educations, they will swear again in Hippocrates’ Oath to “Do No Harm”.
Do these medical students understand what they are going into? In my mind, white coat is a symbol of medicine, purity and to give life by saving life. Carolyn Dean and Gary Null also gave us a new meaning of white coat: Death by (Modern) Medicine. I could not bring up the grizzly, dark side of this subject to my son and shatter his dream of becoming a physician.
Where do we go from here? Our medical education system is creating self-serving elite pyramid system only controlled by more powerful business corporations. Even if the statistics are half correct, we are in deep trouble trying to reverse the trend. The American medical care system will collapse along with the American financial system. Our only hope is teaching our medical students the reality of the medical statistics and change the way we practice.
Time is running out. We must act now. We cannot solve problems by using the same thinking we used when we created them (Einstein). More bypass operations, organ transplants, genetic engineering, newer antibiotics or vaccinations will nto solve current dismal medical outcomes. We must think differently!
If you have a weak stomach, don’t read Carolyn Dean, MD, ND or Gary Null, PhD’s books on Death by (Modern) Medicine. If you are interested in Alternative, Natural and Complementary medicine, come to the Accidental Cure Conference in St. Louis [Held September 2011].
Speakers from around the world from Australia, Germany and Canada and from all over the United States will discuss natural healing based on science and subtle energy (Energy Medicine).
Each speaker will connect the missing link from hidden dental problems, parasites, food allergies, heavy metals, color therapy, infrared thermography, acupuncture meridians and many more modalities. Curing the incurable by measuring the immeasurable is possible. The conference is open to all health professionals, students and the public. Be there. Let others know about the conference. Act now. [Video recordings of the sessions are available.]
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published December 2011
© Copyright 2011, Dr. Simon Yu, MO USA
About the author
Dr. Simon Yu, MD
OIRF: Member Board of Medical Advisors
OIRF Modalities: Electro-Acupuncture According to Voll (EAV), Acupuncture Meridian Assessment, BioResonance, MORA Therapy, Ozone Therapy, Inhailed Ionized Oxygen Therapy (IIOT), Biological Terrain Analysis (BETA), BioPhoton Light Therapy, and many others.
Dr. Simon Yu has been practicing Internal Medicine since 1984, and Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) since 1994. Dr. Yu has been a Center Medical Director for Managed Care.
Dr. Yu received his B.S. degree from Washington University, and did postgraduate research in Diabetes at Washington University Medical Center. He earned a Masters of Science Degree from research on Immunology through a joint program at Washington University Medical Center and University of Missouri-St. Louis. Subsequently, he graduated from the University of Missouri-Columbia, School of Medicine in 1984 and completed residency training at St. Mary’s Health Center in St. Louis.
Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. Dr. Yu sponsors an annual conference on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Dr. Yu serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. He has changed his practice to Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and has been a member, advisor and support of Occidental Institute since 1996.
Dr. Yu has hospital admitting privileges at Missouri Baptist Medical Center.
Dr. Yu is a Clinical Instructor at Washington University Medical School in St. Louis
Dr. Simon Yu, M.D. is a Board Certified Internist. He practices Internal Medicine with an emphasis on Alternative Medicine to use the best each has to offer. For more articles and information about alternative medicine as well as patient success stories visit his web site at
Dr. Yu, along with his wife and partner Kate, have attended many Germany Tours. He works with the MORA Super Plus and Electronic Homeopathy. A significant part of his treatment for parasites involves the use of MORA for delivery of the remedies. It greatly reduces the number and amount of medication the patient must take, reduces or eliminates side effects and lowers the cost for the patient. Watch for more articles from Dr. Yu in future issues of The Bridge.
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