An Excerpt from a commentary entitled: “The Legend of Evidence-Based Medicine”

“Healthcare was never meant to end the suffering of our world, or the pain and trials of human existence, but to act alongside law, religion, and politics to guide us toward the general direction of evolution, of growth, of a god. At its simplest, healthcare is a belief system that continues to develop as long as time continues to flow, nudging us to let go of that which does not work and accept that which does, encouraging us to abandon our attempts to rescue the patient or ourselves from the life we are living or the death we cannot escape.”

A Excerpted Commentary for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published May 15, 2007

From the Column “Backtalk” by Bill Benda, MD
Integrative Medicine, Vol. 6, No. 2, Apr/May 2007

© Copyright 2007, Dr. Bill Benda, IMCJ, California, USA

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