March 2007

In between Dr. Mac Coy’s two MORA Basic seminars, I made a literal “flying trip” to Germany to attend Med-Tronik’s annual distributors meeting. This year (although we were missing quite a few of the regulars like Dr. Richardson from England and Dr. Mehri from Lebanon) the meeting was attended by 21 delegates from 14 different countries.

The countries represented were Greece, Turkey, Poland, Canada and the USA, Hungary, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, Taiwan, Spain, Belgium and France, and The Netherlands. It is amazing to see our “MORA family” growing every year.

Besides the usual business-type stuff discussed at a meeting of this nature, all of the distributors were able to have private meetings with the directors of Med-Tronik to iron out difficulties and problems that we have faced over the last year. As well a number of the distributors (who are all usually also doctors involved in this because of the phenomenal success they achieve with MORA in their practices) gave us fantastic presentations about how they are using MORA in their individual countries.

The approaches are all so different. In Taiwan, for instance, the doctors do not have time to test every patient and thus they have developed a special series of treatment formulas (MORA, ELH, remedies, etc.) that the doctors use on a symptomatic basis. Yet, in Belgium and France they test every patient, every time.

We also learned about some new products that will soon be available that are being developed in all these different countries. From Poland, we will soon have a DVD of Dr. Cornelissen presenting his System Diagnosis Seminar (speaking in German with English subtitles) that has been carefully prepared (to keep Dr. C. on the topic) and professionally taped. An extremely good job and we’ll let you know as soon as they are available.

In Belgium and France they have produced a beautiful DVD with an introduction to the MORA-Super (along with EAV-type testing, of course). And Dr. Jean-Marie Danze has published a great big book (500+ pages) on MORA Therapy, Le Système MORA, ou le rationnel en médicine énergétique. All in French though – if you are interested contact Elaine or me for ordering details.

In Spain and Germany the latest “craze” is Color Therapy for Pain as developed by our own Dr. Zenon Gruba (as presented at last year’s International MORA Symposium in Rust, Germany). Already though they are starting to make it much more complicated than when Dr. Zenon does it.

But because of that, there will now be some new products made available later this year. Med-Tronik is developing a new, stand alone color therapy device (Yeah!!! – previous model was discontinued in 1995) that will have the amplification factors needed for Dr. Gruba’s method built in. There’s also talk of an amplifier style device for the MORA Super to use this method with WinColor software.

Most interesting for me was the lecture from our new (only since January of this year) distributor from Turkey. Dr. Isik worked with BICOM for over a year and a half. His major interest is a large research study he is conducting to help people quit smoking. Using protocols supplied by that company he was achieving immediate success rates in the 65%-75% range in spite of their claims of much higher success rates. On switching to MORA early this year, his immediate success rates have skyrocketed up into the 90%-95% range. And what’s most impressive? It is one treatment – that’s right one treatment. Follow up with patients up to one month later and the percentages have dropped (BICOM to around 30% and MORA to around 60%), but this is still a very good result. He does use some “patch”-type follow up (= sells a package of goodies to the patient), but I think you will agree this is “very interesting”.

The representative from Hungary is also involved in a detailed and long term research study (now coming up on three years) on anti-nicotine protocols that are also very impressive. As well they are conducting extensive studies about allergy treatments.

In terms of my personal involvement in this meeting it was a brutal 6 days that involved 3½ long days of airline travel and 3 days of meetings. Was it worth it? – you bet! We are aware of how much MORA-Therapy is expanding around the world, and of all the exciting new products and applications for this phenomenal therapy method. The chance to meet the other international representatives and hear about their problems, solutions and progress has given us a whole new perspective on how to bring this information to our members and colleagues in North America and other English speaking countries.

However, the one area of discussion that has brought on a great deal of disappointment and frustration for us is registration of this instrumentation in Canada (and ultimately the USA). Mr. Lang, Mr. Ludwig and Mrs. Alexander at Med-Tronik had lengthy discussions with me about this. Of course, one of the biggest stumbling blocks is money – cost estimations have now blossomed to almost 30,000 Euro and that is only to get the appropriate certifications in Germany that will allow us to apply in Canada. To complete Canadian registration here will be additionally that much and more. And, the USA registrations would also be additional – with no guarantees of acceptance. Staggering!

Added to this, are a number of other political and administrative difficulties that could possibly jeopardize Med-Tronik’s existing German and European medical registrations. The risks and costs combined with the time consuming struggle involved are so overwhelming that we have mutually decided – for now – that we will not pursue or seek such registrations in Canada or the USA.

In the meantime, we can all rest assured that we are working with the finest and most high quality BioResonance instrumentation that is available on the worldwide market – that works on true scientific principles. All instrumentation available from Med-Tronik is fully certified, registered and approved in Germany and Europe. They are ISO 13485 (medical) approved and European medical certified. Copies of their registration certificates are available on request.

On this matter, I can only say I am disappointed. We have already invested a lot of money and time working toward this goal only to have it snatched out of our hands once again.

And the final piece of “bad news” is the anticipated price increase. After a great hue and cry from all the distributors Med-Tronik has held off the increase until July or August this year, but the price adjustment is expected to be in the range of at least 5%.

On the bright side, Med-Tronik has agreed to co-sponsor a number of seminars with OIRF (including Dr. Uwe Uellendahl next month), will likely participate in our planned international symposium next May and is assisting in confirming Dr. Michael Galle as a speaker for the next Germany Tour.

Now that I am recovered from the jetlag and getting my desk cleared off again, I’m looking forward to our forthcoming seminars and am engrossed in the final preparations for that 34th Germany Tour.

The “good news” however, is that MORA is being made available to more and more patients around the world. Alone or combined with the other OIRF recommended methods you can be assured of giving your patients the best and most effective care possible.

s/ Carolyn
Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director

A Special Report for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published April 15, 2007
Prepared by Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF Staff
© Copyright 2007, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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