A special chronological report on our
2006 “Medicine Week” Group tour to Germany

SUNDAY (October 29th):  Most of the ten tour participants met at our Frankfurt hotel this evening for an informal welcome reception. Many North Americans had to leave on Saturday to get to Germany today, due to North Atlantic flight schedules and losing time zones. Because delegates joined us from different countries, everyone made their own airline arrangements.

Although our limit was twenty-five participants, this tour was much smaller than we anticipated, as compared to previous tours with up to fifty participants. However, we had the benefit of an elite group that included mostly “many-timers” and represented two staff members and three from our Board of Directors. Countries represented are Australia, Canada, and the United States. [As in all recent tours, all participants – other than couples – had a single room in Frankfurt, Baden-Baden, Rust and Friesenheim at no extra charge.]

MONDAY (October 30th):  After a great breakfast in the hotel’s restaurant [included in the tour price] our deluxe motor coach took us in a southerly direction by autobahn (freeway) to our hotel near Baden-Baden (our home away from home for the next three nights). On arrival we were able to check into our rooms and a great lunch awaited us. This was a new hotel for us in this area and we all enjoyed our stay here very much. Again, it is a family run hotel, very pleasant, close to Baden-Baden and the food was GREAT (typical “country” German fare).

Then after lunch in the meeting room of our hotel Dr.med. Michael Kofler and Dr. Annemarie Frey gave us their presentation on the Photon Resonance Test (PRT) of Dr. Helmut Schimmel. We all owe thanks to Mrs. Aina Sylvester-Schimmel of the Resolux firm for arranging this part of our program.

Dr. Michael Kofler, worked closely with Dr. Helmut Schimmel. He has used the Photon Resonance Test (PRT) method in his practice for many years and continues the research and development started by Dr. Schimmel before he passed away. See your February, 2005 issue of the newsletter for a translation of Dr. Kofler’s research paper on “DNA Therapy with the Photon Resonance Test”. Dr. Kofler gave us an excellent presentation that included hands-on work with the PRT device, advanced applications, as well as the concepts and latest updates of this revolutionary diagnostic method.

Dr. Annemarie Frey has also worked extensively with the Photon Resonance Test method. She assisted Dr. Kofler with translation of his presentations and then gave us a separate lecture about her work with this method and her unique approach to its application.

Dr. med. Michael Kofler

Dr. Annemarie Frey

Supper this evening was also right here in our hotel. This hotel prepared special menus for our group with a choice of two traditional German dishes for each meal and also had a well stocked breakfast buffet for us each morning.

Thereafter, we had the rest of the evening free, since there were no organized events – but that offers yet another opportunity to have a few drinks in the pub, meet with the other tour participants, etc. BUT, after supper you will all probably be tired – I know I was. This was a long and busy day and tomorrow will come only too quickly . . .

TUESDAY (October 31st – eek!):  After breakfast in the meeting room of our hotel Privat Dozent Dr.med. Dr.med. habil. Hendrik Treugut [this long title means that Dr. Treugut is a university lecturer without an assigned post, a medical doctor and has completed a postdoctoral thesis qualifying him for a senior university post] gave our second private session.

Privatdozent Dr. med. Dr. med. habil. Hendrik Treugut is the president of the prestigious “German Society for Energy and Information Medicine”. He is also the head of the Radiological Department of the Klinikum Schwäbish Gmünd. Dr. Treugut also knew Dr. Schimmel and about his work developing the Photon Resonance Test device. He will tell us about his latest research into System Theory in Medicine from Quantum Dynamics to Therapeutic Strategy.

This was a dynamite presentation! Dr. Treugut is a well known and respected lecturer and gave us detailed information about his research into the fundamental working principles of biological medicine. The theme of this tour program was “Latest Scientific Research” as it relates to “Natural Cancer Therapies” and Dr. Treugut merged both topics into his well received presentation.

After lunch a motor coach transported us all to the Congress Hall in Baden-Baden. There we had the entire afternoon at the “Medicine Week” to start our assault on the almost 200 exhibit stands – Halloween for Doctors!

One annual world event stands out concerning natural healing approaches, namely the Baden-Baden “Medicine Week”. Imagine up to 4,000 medical doctors under one roof, all interested in learning more about Biological Medicine or obtaining certification therein (mainly because of patient demand for it!). Add to this 200 exhibit booths on four floors and you’ve got the picture!

At closing time, the bus drove us back to our hotel for our evening meal. During the evening many went for walks (a visit to the local cemetery on All Souls Evening was beautiful and exciting) or relaxed in the hotel’s pub to sample some good German beer, trade tales and adventures from “Med-Week”, study or just plain head off to bed.

WEDNESDAY (November 1st – This is All Saints Day, a holiday in Germany):  After breakfast in the meeting room of our hotel was our third private and mandatory attendance session – Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp – do I need to say anything else here? We were so fortunate to have a presentation from this eminent and incredible man. When I contacted him he definitely remembered our founder Dr. Walter Sturm and that he had spoken to our groups in the past.

Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp is a theoretical physicist who has received several nominations as Lecturer, Research Fellow, Visiting Professor, or Honorary Professor at Universities in Germany, USA, India, and China. He is Vice President of the International Institute of Biophysics, and has supervised approximately 30 diploma works and dissertations in physics, biology and medicine, and written approximately 150 publications on basic questions of theoretical physics, biology, complementary medicine and biophotons. He will talk to us about his recent research on the science and technology of the interaction of photons within and on biological systems.

All I can say in summary of this lecture is “Wow!” Dr. Popp has taken his research to whole new levels and we are very pleased to hear that he is now being supported and sponsored in his work by the International Institute of Biophysics (of which he is Vice President). He went from complicated diagrams in his English language PowerPoint presentation to handwritten formulas on the meeting room board. This was a concentrated and in depth discussion of the physics and science underlying our field of medicine. Phenomenal!

After lunch our motor coach left the hotel for the Congress Hall. Again we had the entire afternoon at the “Medicine Week” to complete our assault on the almost 200 exhibit stands. To give them the most flexibility for their own meetings with exhibitors and representatives at Med-Week they were on their own for the rest of that day. [All meals were included in the tour price except for dinner today and one other evening meal.] Back at the hotel later that evening the “meetings” continued in the hotel’s pub.

THURSDAY (November 2nd):  Our fourth private (and the final mandatory attendance) session started right after breakfast in the meeting room right at our hotel with Dr. Rosy Daniel from England. Dr. Daniel has an extensive and very impressive background in cancer therapy and care. She was accompanied by the principals of the company that sells the Ayurvedic remedy she currently uses for her cancer therapies.

Dr. Rosy Daniel, is Founder and Medical Director of Health Creation, and she also works as an Integrated Medicine Consultant providing consultations for those with cancer who are seeking advice on how to integrate alternative, complementary and self-help approaches to fighting and healing cancer alongside orthodox medical treatment.
Dr. Daniel was the former Medical Director of Bristol Cancer Help Centre, and also worked at the Harley Street Oncology Ctr. Focus of her presentation will be cancer treatment that also includes the use of an Ayurvedic/Herbal remedy.

After lunch our deluxe motor coach took us by “Autobahn” (freeway) again in a generally southerly direction for about ½ hour to the small but very busy little town of Rust.

Upon arrival we checked into our fabulous rooms – and the rest of the day was ours! This town is Europe’s “equivalent” of Disney Land – it even has a mouse! Go exploring, have a nice dinner, get unpacked and ready for the big International MORA Symposium. Supper this evening was the second and only other meal that was not included in the tour. Most of us went over to the park for an afternoon and evening of good food, scary rides, roller coasters, exhibits and generally good fun! You could spend days seeing all the sights, but duty called . . .

FRIDAY (November 3rd):  After breakfast (and this hotel had a great one) we started the Med-Tronik Symposium in a huge meeting room at this hotel.

This International Symposium of MORA Practitioners was attended by over 130 doctors from around the world and had simultaneous translation to and from German so everyone could benefit from the lectures. Here’s a list of the speakers at the symposium:
Dr. Eckart Herrmann, Germany: Chairman of the meeting and President of the International Society for Biocybernetic Medicine
Dr. Sir Zenon Gruba, Australia: Total Body Color Acupuncture
Dr. Werner Grauberger, Austria: The Sophisticated Art of Detoxification
Dr. Tony Scott-Morley, England: My Way – A Demonstration of Specific Diagnostic Procedures with MORA based on the Original Work of Dr. Morell
Dr. Johann Schuller, Austria: Initial Studies with ELH Nosodes and OXI-MED in a Small Laboratory
Dr. Thomas Christidis, Greece: The Many Causes of Cancer and How to Identify and Remove Them
Dr. Brian Mac Coy, USA: Diagnosis and Treatment Development for the Patient with Cancer using MORA-Super and ELH programs
End of Friday Sessions.

Med-Tronik fed us lunch and then on Friday evening was the big “festive dinner” – having been to these affairs before please trust me that Med-Tronik knows how to throw a party and this one was truly fantastic. We all got “gussied up” and prepared for a really fine evening of entertainment, good food, some wine (and none of us had to drive anywhere) and conversations with doctors from all over the English speaking world. This alone was a very memorable event – we all took lots of pictures. [As a sample, Med-Tronik hired the monorail train from the park to transport us all back and forth to the restaurant, had live singers and entertainers, a fabulous five (or was it six) course dinner, free flowing wine, dancing until 1 AM, and so on and so on . . .]

SATURDAY (November 4th):  After breakfast, the Med-Tronik Symposium continued in a meeting room at this hotel. Med-Tronik again fed us lunch, and then the meeting officially ended mid-afternoon.

Saturday Program (after that fabulous party):
Prof. Dr. Arnim Bechmann, Germany: The Future of Naturopathy – Scientific Aspects of the Fundamentals in a Broader Sense of the Science of Nature
Dr. Alexander Wood, Canada: BioElectronic Terrain Analysis of Prof. Vincent – The Concept of “Terrain” and its Impact on Health [Dr. Wood was unable to attend this meeting] Dr. László Osvai, Hungary: MORA Anti-Nicotine Programs in Pulmonologic Practice [Dr. Osvai was unable to attend this meeting and his paper was presented by a colleague.] Dr. Jürgen Nienhaus, Germany: MORA and Psyche – Latest Research Experiences
Dr. Elisabeth Scholz, Austria: Deep relaxation with MORA, Point Therapy and Color.
Followed by closing discussion with full panel of speakers, and farewell remarks.

Our deluxe motor coach then carried us (weary but happy) back to our hotel near the Frankfurt Airport. After the big party last night none of us were much interested in getting all gussied up again, so we kept the closing banquet and Tour Certificate Ceremonies simple and comfortable. We had a leisurely celebration taking pictures and talking and enjoying our last evening together – into the wee hours.

The tour officially ended after that certificate ceremony, as did OIRF’s responsibility for participants. Naturally their hotel room for the night and breakfast the next morning were included in the tour price.

SUNDAY (November 5th):  The majority of tour participants flew home from Frankfurt this day and most North Americans even arrived back home that same day due to gaining time zones. Have a safe and pleasant trip home!

Today, several of the doctors and I again traveled back south to Friesenheim to attend Dr. Gottfried Cornelissen’s Advanced MORA Seminar at the Med-Tronik company. We returned to Frankfurt on Wednesday and then flew home on Thursday.

In conclusion:  That’s it for my special day-to-day report on our thirty-third (yes, that’s 33rd) group tour to Germany. I’ve certainly covered the most important aspects, and thrown in a few personal comments for those of you who haven’t experienced one of our tours yet. Just recounting it for you brought back many good personal memories, but I hope my enthusiasm and excitement for the things that interest us the most comes through.

Hoping you will be with us next year for the 34th Tour and with very best wishes, I remain your “illustrious” tour guide. . .

Carolyn L. Winsor-Sturm
Managing Director and CEO

P.S. Tour #34 including Medicine Week will take place October 28, 2007 through November 3, 2007. Looking forward to seeing you there!

A Chronological Report for Members
From THE BRIDGE Newsletter of OIRF
Published February 15, 2007
Prepared by Carolyn L. Winsor, OIRF Staff
© Copyright 2007, Occidental Institute, BC Canada

About the author

  • Founding director, administrator and executive director of Occidental Institute; the first English language acupuncture “school” in North America founded 1972 which over the years developed into the largest educational and promotional advocate of Biological Medicine until its closing in 2018.
  • 35 years experience with medical and technical translation and literary research in English, French and German.
  • Participation in every seminar, workshop and tour program sponsored by OIRF
  • Participation in more than 35 Medicine Week Congress programs as well as events too numerous to count sponsored by German instrumentation, homeopathic and research organizations
  • Training and certification in multiple Biological Medicine Methods including BioResonance Therapy, EAV, AMA, VEGA, Mayr Therapy, Ionized Oxygen Therapy, Magnetic Field Therapy, BioPhoton Therapy, the so-called Global Diagnostics and many others.
  • As a teacher, lecturer and author she has already trained hundreds of practitioners from diverse English-speaking countries.
  • Her passion and insight provide an overall view of the most effective German Biological Medicine diagnostic and therapeutic methods

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